Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Solar Work?

Great Question!

Simply put, solar energy is energy from the sun that will be converted into energy that you can use for your home. Partnering with SunPower, we make sure that you have the most effective and efficient solar power for your home as possible. Once panels from SunPower are installed on your roof, from there you let the sun do the rest. It really is as simple as that.
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What is Net Metering?

It's Simple!

With every solar installation the owner is provided with a meter that gives information about their usage of solar power. The addition to net metering that is different from regular meters is that it also shows the amount of energy that is given back to the power grid system. So why does this matter to a customer like you? Because you save money! You are only charged with the net amount used each month, instead of a full charge with other companies. The net charge is calculated by figuring out “the difference between the energy produced by the solar power system and the energy consumed by the house over the monthly billing period.”
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Does Electricity Work Differently?

Yes, it Does!

The first answer is, you save money! Right now, energy rates are higher than they should be because companies are charging more when they know you need your electricity most. Obviously, this hurts your pockets when bills have to be paid, and we are not okay with that- and you shouldn’t be either! This exact reason is why producing your own solar electricity is better than your everyday regular boring electricity. You can also control the amount of electricity that is being used within certain areas of your home- something that can’t be done with everyday electricity.
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What About Power Outages?

Never Heard of Them!

When you hear that an outage may be happening soon near you, you can use your mySunPower app to be prepared. Once you are in the app, go to the SunVault tab, select Edit, and then you will see a tab saying ‘Set up reserve mode’. By setting this up, your energy will then be conserved for the most important items in your household, and from there you may also select where you want more energy to go throughout your household. Power outages can be a stressful time period, but we have you covered so don’t worry. Remember that when the world is dark, you can still keep Living Brite!
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What Are My Next Steps?

Contact Us/Schedule!

So you have learned everything about solar and still have questions or want to schedule an appointment with us? Great! Following the link below will put you in direct contact with our team. Please fill out as much information as possible and we will get back to you ASAP, as our customers are our first priority. We're excited to hear from you!
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Where Else Does Solar Work?

Your Patio and Car!

Solar installation is great for your house... But also your backyard patio and car! When you are going through your home solar installation process, make sure to ask your solar representative how to install solar for your car and backyard patio set. Solar installation is Briter than ever not just for your house, but for your life!
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