
More Solar = Less Pollution​

By now, every person on this planet has made up their mind that they like or don’t like solar because of environmental factors- climate change being a very heavy topic. Whatever you believe, there is no denying that our planet is full of pollution and there have been so many efforts to put a stop or at least slow down the spread of pollution throughout our planet.

One of the major issues of pollution is driving gas cars, or factories producing too much fuel for electricity purposes. All the smoke that comes from either our exhaust pipes in our cars or the factories getting rid of waste through smoke stacks, is hurting us much more than we think.

So, what is the solution for this? You guessed it, solar power! In particular, for a start, having our cars’ batteries run by solar power instead of gas will do the world wonders going forward. Even factories that are beginning to go solar are reducing a ton of greenhouse gas emissions.

The hard part about going solar is that people see a lot of life in short-term solutions. So when it comes to your next car, you may only look into the initial cost and see that a hybrid or completely electric car is more expensive. I would suggest really considering what you are doing for yourself and the environment with your next purchase- you could save thousands and know you are helping an environment that desperately needs it.

So yes, solar is expensive initially- but it is more expensive to keep going with gas emissions in comparison to saving with solar for longer periods of time. So, if a lot of people want less pollution, then they have to begin looking at solar as a long-term solution rather than something that would happen overnight.

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